Houssam A. Taha - BIO

Houssam (Sam Taha) is a Dubai-based Canadian-Palestinian amateur photographer. His style focuses primarily on street photography, architecture, culture and candid portraits.

He became fascinated with cameras and photography from the age of ten, after using his father’s Yashica Electro 35 GTN rangefinder camera. Today, although he enjoys digital photography, his passion remains in the analog world, shooting and developing 35mm film using analog/mechanical cameras like the one his father gave him.

His current camera collection includes the Nikon FE2, Nikon F100, Olympus OM2n, Olympus OM4Ti, Yashica Electro 35 GSN, Leica M4, Leica M6, Leica M7, and the Bronica GS-1 medium format camera.

If you’re interested in acquiring or licensing any of the images on this site, please contact him using the Contact form, or write him at hktaha@gmail.com with the subject “Reproduction Request”.


three days in Sanaa. Dubai, 2020. ISBN 978-9948-25-337-2 (Paperback)

Going Places. Dubai, 2020. ISBN 978-9948-25-611-3 (Hardcover)

Contact me.